I will create unique blog comments on a wide variety of vape, cbd and hemp articles. Blog comments are a great way to spread the message about your company as well as acquire some pretty good follow and no follow links to diversify your backlink portfolio. Niche-targeted blog comments are a real gold mine and they work especially well. All of my blog commenting would be spread out over a period of time to keep things natural. I will also create unique text and focus each comment on branding as the search engines increasingly care about branding.
I like to post to non-auto approve blogs as I do not like to feature amongst hundreds of spam comments. Manual blog commenting certainly wins the day and brings pretty good results.
I strongly recommend that you check out my extras as those are extremely good for search engine rankings.
Remember, blog commenting is only a part of SEO. It is a good element to incorporate into your strategy.
All I need from you is your website and your brand name.